Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 88, Living Together

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


Very soon, Gu Han led Lu Fan and Jin Zhu’s groups to a beautiful place. There was a huge artificial lake here, with flowers and plants growing abundantly. They created a picturesque environment. By the lakeside, there were thirty villas, which did not differ much except for the number plates at their entrances, corresponding to numbers one to thirty.


Seeing Gu Han directly bringing everyone here, Qin Qiu looked at the map and asked, “Teacher Gu, why did you bring us here? This doesn’t seem to be the student dormitory?”


Gu Han smiled, pointing at the villas ahead, and explained as they walked, “This is also a dormitory, but it’s the extremely high-end one. Dragon Capital University has four similar villa areas, prepared for freshmen to senior students. The villas are not only fully equipped but also have a cultivation room. Although you can’t gain Experience Points while training inside, it allows students to hone their combat abilities. Each of the four villa areas has thirty villas available for students to live in. To obtain the right to live here, you need to rank in the top thirty of your grade in University Points. Oh, right, I won’t explain what University Points are; someone will tell you about it during tomorrow’s freshmen assembly.”


Tao Xiaoman, being clever, excitedly asked after hearing this, “Teacher Gu, you brought us to the villa area because we’re qualified to live here, right? But we’ve just arrived at the school and don’t have any University Points…”


Gu Han smiled and said, “It’s true that you don’t have points, but every year, upon enrollment, our admissions office teachers compile and study the major exam stream recordings of nearly a thousand new students. Through voting and major exam results, we create a basic ranking for you.”


“After ranking, Lu Fan has ranked in first place, so he naturally gained the right to move into Villa No. 1.”


“Chen Tianzhi’s ranking is slightly lower, at eighteenth place, which is still within the top thirty, so he can also move into Villa No. 18.”


Hearing that Chen Tianzhi’s ranking was so much lower than Lu Fan’s, both Chen Tianzhi and the silent Jin Zhu felt somewhat displeased.


Qin Qiu and Tao Xiaoman nodded with a vague understanding, and Qin Qiu further asked, “So that’s how it is. With our grades, Tao Zi and I probably can’t rank in the top thirty, right? So we don’t qualify to live in the villas. Should we go find the student dormitory and check in later?”


Gu Han looked slightly embarrassed and nodded, “That’s indeed the case. However, these villas are very large with many rooms. They can easily accommodate more than ten people. Actually, you could consider living in the same villa as Lu Fan. In terms of living conditions, the villas are definitely better. But if it’s not convenient, I can still take you to see the ordinary dormitories later.”


“Huh? Live in the same villa as Lu Fan!?” Qin Qiu and Tao Xiaoman were simultaneously startled, their faces blushing.


If they had to choose, they would certainly prefer to live in the villa. However, firstly, this would mean owing Lu Fan a favour. Secondly, living together with Lu Fan, a male student… they were not quite mentally prepared for that.


Han Ke, on the other hand, after hearing this, linked arms with Qin Qiu and Tao Xiaoman, smiling as she said, “I think that works for all of us. Let’s just live together, shall we? I’m already used to living with Xiao Fan, and if we can live in the same villa, we’ll definitely be able to always stay together. So, why don’t you move in with us too? Didn’t you say earlier that you wanted to form a team with Lu Fan to run Dungeon Instances together in the future? Living together might even help you improve your teamwork.”


“Well…” Qin Qiu and Tao Xiaoman’s faces reddened even more, not knowing how to respond.


Han Ke’s enthusiastic invitation made it difficult for the two girls to refuse.


Qin Qiu shyly glanced at Lu Fan and stammered, “But, shouldn’t we ask for Lu Fan’s opinion on this first? After all, the right to live in Villa No. 1 is his, and us wanting to move in together…”


“Him? He definitely has no objections, right, Xiao Fan?” As she spoke, Han Ke looked at Lu Fan, using her eyes signalling, ‘I dare you to have any objections. I won’t cook for you anymore!’


Lu Fan was caught between laughter and tears. He could see that his Aunt was trying to find a Daughter-in-law for herself in a roundabout manner. However, it was not like he minded it. He was not a fussy person to begin with. Such a large villa would feel empty with just him and his Aunt living there. Having Qin Qiu and Tao Xiaoman move in was not a bad idea; his Aunt could cook more dishes, and the meals would be livelier.


“Of course I have no objections,” Lu Fan smiled, giving a response that ‘pleased’ Han Ke. “Qin Qiu, Tao Zi, why don’t you just move in and live with me and Auntie? I’ve checked the map, and the student dormitory is quite far from the villa area. It would be extremely inconvenient to walk half the campus to find you for Dungeon Instances in the future.”


With both Lu Fan and Han Ke saying so, Qin Qiu and Tao Zi naturally had no reason to decline and happily agreed.


Lu Fan had not expected that on his first day at school, he would already be living together with three beautiful girls. [Many are going to envy me once they find out about this…].


As they were talking, Gu Han had already led Lu Fan to the entrance of Villa No. 1. She informed him that the key was on the villa door, and from now on, this villa belonged to them.


However, they should not celebrate too soon, because the ownership of the villa was determined by University Points. To truly settle here, they still needed to ensure their points were high enough.


After explaining everything, Gu Han was about to let Lu Fan and the others enter the villa to rest, while she would take Jin Zhu and her group to Villa No. 18.


At this moment, Lu Fan opened his System’s Divine Grade Treasure Map coordinates and helplessly found that he was very close to the location marked on the Treasure Map, only less than two hundred metres away.


However, zooming in on the map coordinates revealed that the coordinates were not in Villa No. 1, but inside Villa No. 2.


Lu Fan thought to himself, [You are really playing tricks on me. I’m living in Villa No. 1, but you just had to mark the coordinates in Villa No. 2! How am I supposed to claim it now?]


Lu Fan thought for a moment and could only call out to the departing Gu Han, “Teacher Gu, please wait a moment.”


“Hm? What is it? Is there anything else?” Gu Han stopped and turned back to ask.


Lu Fan thought for a moment and asked with a smile, “Speaking of which… since I’m ranked first, can I only live in Villa No. 1? I think Villa No. 2… has better Feng Shui. Can we choose to live in Villa No. 2?”


Gu Han was stunned, never imagining that someone would give up Villa No. 1 to live in Villa No. 2.


Moreover, the reason was quite perplexing, ‘better Feng Shui’.


Gu Han was silent for a moment, then helplessly said with a smile, “That’s probably not possible. Theoretically, with your high ranking, you could choose to live in villas with other numbers, and we would arrange accommodations for others in accordance. But,” Gu Han pointed at the lit lights of Villa No. 2, “Villa No. 2 is already occupied, and we can’t ask her to move out to make room for you, can we? Still, if you really don’t want to live in Villa No. 1, I can show you other unoccupied villas. Likewise, you could talk to the owner of Villa No. 2 and see if she’s willing to switch with you. If I remember correctly, the owner of Villa No. 2 is just one girl, so switching villas should be quite convenient for her.”


Lu Fan nodded, realising that since Villa No. 2 was already occupied, it was not realistic for him to move in there.


As for asking someone to switch villas, it was not really necessary just for a Treasure Map. He only needed to find a reason to sneak into Villa No. 2 and claim the Treasure Map.


So, Lu Fan let Gu Han leave and led Han Ke and the three girls into Villa No. 1.


It had to be said that Dragon Capital University was indeed one of the top ten Universities. The purpose of these thirty villas’ was to motivate students to strive for better conditions for themselves.


The living conditions in the villa were exceptional, no worse than the Jiangshan Garden villa that Qin Shanhai gave to Lu Fan. All facilities were complete, and there were many rooms, more than enough for four people.


Upon arriving at the villa, the four of them found their own rooms.


Han Ke, Qin Qiu, and Tao Xiaoman’s rooms were all on the second floor and next to each other, convenient for the three girls to visit each other at night.


Lu Fan, like a doorman, lived in the room closest to the door on the first floor.


After allocating the rooms, the three girls wanted to tidy up their own rooms, but at this time, Lu Fan found Han Ke and asked her to make some pastries for him.


Han Ke initially thought Lu Fan was hungry, but Lu Fan explained that the pastries were not for him; he wanted to bring some to the student in Villa No. 2.


Lu Fan actually just wanted to find an excuse to visit his neighbour, and claim his Divine Grade Treasure Map.


But when Han Ke learned that Lu Fan wanted to go next door, she immediately revealed a meaningful smile. Her expression seems to say, ‘Ah my Xiao Fan seems to have figured it out how to approach women’.


After all, Gu Han had just mentioned that the one living in Villa No. 2 was a young woman.


Lu Fan immediately felt embarrassed and helplessly said, “Auntie, don’t overthink it. I just want to see what kind of person ranks second among this year’s new students.”


Han Ke nodded thoughtfully, “That’s true. You rank first, she ranks second. She’s a threatening opponent for you. But, if you can establish a good relationship with her at the beginning of school, make her your friend like Xiao Qiu and Tao Zi, you might gain a powerful ally for running Dungeon Instances in the future.”


“Alright, I’ll go to the kitchen to make some pastries. You can take them to her later. If I remember correctly, there should be some ingredients in the kitchen.” Saying this, Han Ke rolled up her sleeves, ready to go downstairs to the kitchen to work, not forgetting to instruct Lu Fan, “In return, help me unpack my luggage. No need to be too detailed about where to put everything. Just hang all the clothes in the wardrobe. I’ll arrange them myself later.”


“Okay,” Lu Fan naturally had no objections and took on the task.


After Han Ke went downstairs, Lu Fan opened Han Ke’s suitcase, preparing to help her unpack.


However, as soon as he opened the suitcase, Lu Fan felt his nose about to bleed.


[Auntie, oh Auntie, you really don’t even have your guard up against me. There are so many things in your suitcase I shouldn’t touch, yet you still ask me of all people to help you unpack!? This is torment!]



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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