Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 89, The Second Dragon Egg!

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


Soon, Han Ke prepared an exquisite pastry.


Lu Fan took a look and was quite delighted.


Pumpkin Steamed Cake (Enchanted Food): After consumption, permanently increases Agility by 3 points. Only effective on first consumption.


This was made after Han Ke learned the Crafting Recipe sent by the Qin Family. It not only permanently increased an Attribute but also increased it by 3 points!


These few cakes looked ordinary, but if sold outside, they would probably cost tens of thousands of Dragon Coins.


Although the other person was also a Player ranked second, it would be hard not to be tempted by such a delicious cake that permanently increased one’s Attribute.


As the saying goes, ‘One could polish jade with stones from another mountain’. With this cake, Lu Fan should have no problem claiming the Treasure Map in her villa.


Han Ke helped Lu Fan pack the cakes before Lu Fan set off for Villa No. 2.


Arriving at the door, Lu Fan knocked twice, but after waiting for a while, no one came to open it.


Lu Fan thought it was strange. [The lights in the villa are on, is no one inside?]


He was about to leave temporarily and come back later, but as he turned around, the door of Villa No. 2 suddenly opened.


Lu Fan turned back to look and could not help but brighten up.


She was certainly another Young Mistress. She was tall, comparable to Qin Qiu, wearing black leather armour, which perfectly outlined her graceful figure. Moreover, the black of the leather armour contrasted with her fair skin.


In terms of skin, even Han Ke and Qin Qiu might not compare to her. Her skin was so white it seemed almost sickly, but it exuded a different kind of beauty.


Her waterfall-like long hair cascaded down her back, not black in colour, but a shade between flax and yellow. This made Lu Fan wonder if she had some foreign genes, perhaps she was of mixed descent.


Still her facial features were very Eastern, the classical beauty.


Unfortunately, there was no expression on her face. She was revealing a cold and aloof air that made it difficult to approach her. It was evident that she, like her appearance, was an ice-beauty.


After opening the door and seeing Lu Fan, she just looked at him without saying a word.


Lu Fan coughed lightly, squeezed out a smile, and handed over the cake in his hand: “Hello, I’m a new student living in Villa No. 1, Lu Fan from Jianghai City in South Province. I’ll be your neighbour in the future, so I came over to bring you some cake to get to know you.”


She looked at Lu Fan, then at the cake in his hand, remained silent for a while. She reached out to take the cake, without making any further action or words.


Lu Fan was speechless, thinking. [This Young Mistress has a really strange personality. I’m giving you a gift. Shouldn’t you invite me in to sit or something? At the very least, you could say thank you!?]


She showed no response at all, completely ready to close the door as soon as Lu Fan left.


[Damn. She is really strange…] Lu Fan inwardly complained, but of course, he could not give up the opportunity to enter the villa just because of her cold demeanour. If there was no opportunity, then he would create one.


Lu Fan smiled again and tentatively asked, “Um, can I come in and sit for a while? I’m a bit thirsty and would like a glass of water.”


This line was usually used by Lu Fan in his previous life to stay overnight at a girl’s house.


[If you want to go into a girl’s house, saying this generally gives the choice to the other party. If they agree, then there’s a chance for the night. If they don’t agree, then don’t think too much. Just obediently take a taxi home. But, saying it now seems really inappropriate. Argh, I’m already regretting saying it… If I want a drink of water, couldn’t I just go back to my own villa? What a fool! My impure intentions are too obvious, which girl would let me in like this!?]


Lu Fan almost wanted to slap himself, but to his surprise, she only looked at him once, and actually slightly moved aside, clearing a path for him to enter the villa.


Lu Fan was stunned at first. Soon, greatly delighted, he said, “Thank you.”


He entered and simultaneously opened the System Panel’s Divine Grade Treasure Map, starting to precisely locate the coordinates.


After Lu Fan entered, the Young Mistress closed the villa door, her eyes filled with a cold intent, following not too far behind Lu Fan.


Lu Fan did not sense the coldness behind him, while locating the coordinates, he casually looked around Villa No. 2 as if visiting, and chatted idly, “The layout of Villa No. 2 is quite similar to Villa No. 1. Erm, when did you move in? Your place looks so clean, as if no one has lived here before.”


Lu Fan’s inquiries received no response. He looked back and found that she was indeed behind him and had heard him, but just seemed too lazy to answer.


The atmosphere became cold again, making Lu Fan embarrassed.


He rubbed his nose and took the initiative to speak again, “Erm, you don’t like to talk? Well, I don’t really know your name. I’ve already introduced myself, so you know who I am. But, I still don’t know who you are. We’re both students of Dragon Capital University now, we’ll be seeing each other often. It would be good to get to know each other. May I ask for your name?”


She went silent for a while, and finally answered: “North Cloud Province, Jian Ying.”


Jian Ying’s voice was somewhat unexpected to Lu Fan. It was extremely cute, with a natural pinched sound. After hearing it for the first time, Lu Fan felt Jian Ying’s personality to be even stranger. [She isn’t mute, and her voice is so nice, why is she unwilling to speak?]


He had said so much, but she had only uttered five words from beginning to end. Perhaps in this vast world, there are all kinds of strange people.


The longer Lu Fan stayed here, the more embarrassed he felt. Fortunately, as he continued to walk deeper into the villa, he got closer and closer to the spot on the Divine Grade Treasure Map.


Finally, Lu Fan arrived at the door of a room.


According to the structure of Villa No. 1, this room should be the bedroom on the first floor.


Lu Fan was only two coordinate points away from the target, and to claim the Treasure Map, he would have to enter this room.


The room door was closed but should not be locked.


Seeing victory just ahead, Lu Fan did not think much and directly pushed the door open, taking two steps forward while speaking to cover up. “Jian Ying, what room is this? Why isn’t the door open? Rooms should be ventilated regularly… Hmm, what’s that smell, it’s so fragrant…”


After opening the door, Lu Fan smelled a faint fragrance and unconsciously commented.


This fragrance did not belong to any spice, it was barely perceptible. [This seemed… to be the scent of a girl. Actually, this scent was also present in Auntie’s room, but it isn’t exactly the same as the fragrance in this room…]


Lu Fan looked up and found that this was indeed a bedroom, with some personal items placed around, and a few folded clothes on the bed that had not been put away, probably used by Jian Ying as her bedroom.


Lu Fan was shocked, realising he had actually intruded into someone else’s bedroom!


At this moment, even Lu Fan could feel a slight chill behind him.


It seemed that the ian Ying behind him had already developed murderous intent!


He hurriedly used the Divine Grade Treasure Map to avoid any further complications.


<Ding – Host’s coordinates match the Treasure Map (Divine Grade) coordinates, Treasure Map used successfully!>

<Ding – Congratulations Host, you have obtained: One bottle of Dragon Blood Potion and one Dragon Egg.>


Hearing the System’s voice, Lu Fan was overjoyed.


It was just as he had thought, the Divine Grade Treasure Map had produced another Dragon Egg!


[Am I about to get two Dragons!? Xiao Ye is already so powerful. If I have two Dragons, wouldn’t that be incredible?! No, no no. Now is not the time to be happy.]


Lu Fan realised that on their first meeting, he had directly intruded into her bedroom like a creepy Uncle. If he did not leave now, he might be thrown out like trash!


Thinking of this, Lu Fan did not even have time to check what kind of Dragon was in the second Dragon Egg before hastily retreating from the bedroom and closing the door.


“I’m really sorry, I didn’t realise this was your bedroom,” Lu Fan said, his face red with embarrassment, trying his best to appear extremely remorseful.


However, when he turned around, he saw that Jian Ying, who was already an ice beauty, now had her face covered in frost, cold enough to make one shiver.


“Uh…” Lu Fan thought to himself, [I had really embarrassed myself today. This is all because of this damned System! It not only tempted me with a Divine Grade Treasure Map but also had to set the coordinates to be specifically in someone else’s bedroom!]


Lu Fan naturally had no face to stay here any longer. He forced himself to calm down and squeezed out a smile, saying, “Well… I’m suddenly not thirsty anymore, so I’ll head back now. It was nice meeting you. If you have nothing else, you can come visit me. I’ll go back now, and we’ll see each other at tomorrow’s freshmen assembly!”


After saying this, Lu Fan used his Agility, Attribute Boosted from Xiao Ye, to its fullest extent. He turned and fled in an instant, leaving only Jian Ying behind.


The frost on Jian Ying’s face did not diminish, and there was still a hint of murderous intent lingering.


“You pervert!?” Jian Ying softly uttered these two words, not quite understanding what this strange neighbour was trying to do.


She looked at the cake Lu Fan had brought, initially wanting to throw it directly into the trash.


But the Attributes displayed on the Pumpkin Steamed Cake made Jian Ying pause.


Permanently increase Agility by 3 points?!


Although Jian Ying did not desperately need these 3 points of Agility, this cake was indeed a good item, and must not be cheap.


Jian Ying became even more confused, unable to figure out what kind of person this strange neighbour was.


Meanwhile, Lu Fan rushed back to his room, inwardly vowing never to do such an embarrassing thing again in this lifetime.


If the Dragon Egg dug out this time was something like an Armoured Earth Dragon Egg, he would curse the damned System’s Ancestors for eight generations for eight nights!


Thinking this, Lu Fan opened his System Sub-Space and began examining the newly acquired Dragon Egg.



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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