Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 92, Freshmen Enrollment Ceremony

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


However, it was not Lu Fan who caught their attention, but Qin Qiu and Tao Xiaoman.


There was no helping it, these two girls were not only academic elites who could enter Dragon Capital University, but also beauties with completely different appearances, temperaments, and styles. Such a pair of Flower Sisters appearing together naturally caught everyone’s eyes.


In comparison, although Lu Fan was also quite handsome, he was still not as attractive as Qin Qiu and Tao Xiaoman.


“Hey, quickly look! Two more beauties have arrived! Wow, they’re so incredibly beautiful!”


“Yeah, one looks like a Priest, the other should be a Swordsman. The two ladies have different Professions and styles, but they’re both extremely pretty…”


“I really didn’t expect this. They say Southern River University produces beauties, but our Dragon Capital University can actually produce such stunning girls. I unilaterally declare these two my goddesses!”


“In my opinion, these two ladies have the potential to become the School Beauties among this year’s new Dragon Capital University students. I wonder if they have a boyfriend? I wonder if I still have a chance.”


“You? Dream on! Besides, don’t you see a male student beside them?”


“You’re right, they seem quite familiar with each other. Oh my, could it be that I’m about to experience heartbreak right after my first love?”


“Wait, there are two of them but only one guy beside them. Doesn’t that mean I still have a chance? Surely both of them can’t be his girlfriends, right?”


“You best think more before speaking. I bet the guy beside them is just a lackey who’s been fawning over them and still has nothing to show for it! In a while, I’ll definitely go up and ask for their contact information. I’ll naturally try to form a team with them. If I could run Dungeon Instances with such beauties in the future, it would be worth dying in a dungeon…”


Such eager gazes cast upon them made Qin Qiu and Tao Xiaoman feel uncomfortable.


Fortunately, the two had already gotten used to being surrounded by lecherous gazes during their time at First Academy, so they did not feel too out of place.


Lu Fan ignored all these people. He focused on scanning the layout of the venue and immediately noticed something.


“Seems like the seats here are arranged by our Profession,” Lu Fan looked at the signs for each seating area and said to Qin Qiu, “We both have Hidden Professions, so we need to sit in the first three rows. Tao Zi is a Swordsman, so her seat is in the back rows. Looks like we three will have to sit separately for the freshmen enrollment ceremony.”


“What!?” Tao Zi heard this and immediately felt depressed, “Can’t we sit wherever we want? Why do we have to be separated for no good reason…”


Qin Qiu smiled and said, “Maybe it’s for class assignment? I heard that apart from Faculties, Dragon Capital University also divides classes by Profession, with different Professions following teachers of the corresponding Professions to study under.”


This made sense, after all, one could not expect a Knight teacher to teach Mage students how to charge into battle, right?


Helpless, Tao Zi had to obediently go to the seating area for the Swordsman Profession.


To avoid being harassed, she deliberately sat down next to a few female Swordsmen, which seemed like it would save her some trouble.


After Tao Zi sat down, Lu Fan and Qin Qiu also went to the seating area for Hidden Professions.


At this time, there were already quite a few students here, it seems like Dragon Capital University had quite a number of Hidden Professions.


In the seats, Lu Fan saw a familiar face, Hong Wu.


Hong Wu must have arrived quite early, sitting right in the middle of the first row. He was firmly occupying the centre position.


Seeing Lu Fan arrive, especially coming over chatting and laughing with Qin Qiu, Hong Wu might as well have had ‘displeased’ written on his face.


Even though the three were from the same city, Hong Wu showed no intention of greeting them.


Lu Fan was not familiar with him anyway, so he also chose to ignore him, sitting with Qin Qiu in a corner.


After a while, more familiar faces arrived, this time it was Jin Zhu and Chen Tianzhi.


Since they had already enrolled, Jin Zhu could not casually bring attendants around. As such, this time, only the two of them appeared, rather than them being surrounded by an entourage.


When Jin Zhu appeared, there were many new students exclaiming again, saying that the quality of female students for this year’s freshmen was exceptional, with one beauty after another appearing. That this year’s new student beauty rankings would be quite interesting.


Jin Zhu and Chen Tianzhi naturally also had to sit in the Hidden Profession area. They also noticed Lu Fan, so they deliberately chose a place far from Lu Fan to sit in.


As time passed, more and more students entered the hall. The flow of people at the entrance gradually thinned, and finally, no more people entered the auditorium.


It seemed like most of this year’s new students had arrived.


After waiting a while longer, an Elder wearing a Mage’s robe came from backstage. This Elder looked very old, and as he walked onto the stage, he did not hide his details.


Surprisingly, he was a Third Profession Change Expert.


A Level 78, Lightning Mage God.


The appearance of this man made many people draw in a sharp breath. The originally noisy auditorium instantly fell silent.


Because everyone knew that this Third Profession Change Lightning Mage God must be someone of great importance in the school, someone they could not take lightly.


The old man went straight to the podium, cleared his throat, and without using any amplification device, his voice sounded like thunder as soon as he opened his mouth. It made many students’ ears ring.


“Hello everyone, I am the vice principal of Dragon Capital University, professor of the Mage Department in the Combat Faculty, Zhao Shengming.”


“First of all, on behalf of Dragon Capital University, I welcome all new students!”


There was a round of applause from the audience.


Zhao Shengming continued: “I don’t like formalities when doing things, so for this freshmen enrollment ceremony, I won’t say anything useless.”


”First off, I will have the teaching assistants distribute the freshmen handbooks and identity cards to all of you, while also informing you of some rules of the University…”


At this moment, a voice sounded from the entrance of the auditorium, “Reporting!”


Everyone’s attention was drawn there, immediately causing another commotion.


“Wow, another beauty…”


“This year’s Dragon Capital University is full of beauties, it’s good that I came here instead of going to Jinghua University.”


“You say that as if the abundance of beauties at Dragon Capital University has anything to do with you.”


“Brother, your words really cut deep…”


Lu Fan also looked towards the voice and was stunned because the person at the auditorium door happened to be the owner of Villa No. 2, Jian Ying.


At this time, Jian Ying must have arrived late and was standing at the door, not rashly entering the auditorium.


Zhao Shengming did not mind Jian Ying’s tardiness. He glanced at Jian Ying and amiably said, “Come in and find a place to sit. I remember you have a Hidden Profession. Sword Tamer, right? There’s a seat over here.”


The seat Zhao Shengming pointed to happened to be an empty one in front of Lu Fan.


Jian Ying still did not say a word, stepped towards the seat, and with one glance saw Lu Fan.


Lu Fan recalled what happened yesterday and felt awkward, quickly forcing out a smile.


Jian Ying frowned, sat down in front of Lu Fan, and did not look back.


Qin Qiu beside him looked puzzled and leaned over to ask in a low voice, “Lu Fan, do you know her?”


“Uh… sort of, she lives in Villa No. 2, she’s our neighbour.”


“Oh, I see.” Qin Qiu nodded, and then exclaimed in surprise, “Then doesn’t that mean she ranks second among the new students? She must be super strong! I really couldn’t tell…”


After Jian Ying took her seat, under Zhao Shengming’s orders, the teaching assistants quickly came out and distributed the freshmen handbooks and identity cards to everyone.


Lu Fan received his identity card, which not only had his name, grade, it also stated that he was a student of the Hidden Profession Department in the Combat Faculty, but also had a detail which had been hidden till now, his University Points. The points were not actively shown on the identity card, and needed to be searched or updated to be seen.


In Lu Fan’s identity card, there was a total of over 13,100 points.


Lu Fan asked Qin Qiu beside him and found out that Qin Qiu’s was just over 900.


For a moment, Lu Fan did not know how this number was determined or what it was used for, so he could only wait for Zhao Shengming’s explanation.


When everyone had received their identity cards, Zhao Shengming indeed picked up an identity card identical to everyone else’s and began to explain to everyone: “The identity card in your hands is the proof of all your activities at Dragon Capital University. The identity card will store University Points, which you should all be able to check for yourselves. Points are the hard currency of Dragon Capital University. You can use points to exchange for opportunities to run Dungeon Instances, exchange for Potions, equipment, and so on. As for the points currently stored in your identity cards, these are granted points, granted to you by the University.”


“I believe you all are aware of your ranking among this year’s new students. This so-called ranking is based on the ranking of points currently in your identity cards. As for the amount, it’s all determined by your major exam scores.”


At this point, a tall and strong Knight raised his hand. He obviously had a question he needed to ask.


Zhao Shengming nodded, indicating that he could speak.


This student stood up and asked in puzzlement: “But, Sir, we have come from all over the country. Everyone experienced different major exam trials. Some places had more difficult exams than others, so their scores were lower, while some places had simple questions, so the scores were high. If our current points are determined by our major exam scores, isn’t that a bit unfair?”


Many other students nodded, feeling that what he said made sense.


Zhao Shengming waved his hand, indicating for this student to sit down. He continued to explain: “What you mentioned has already been taken into consideration by the whole Faculty. The conversion of major exam scores from different Provinces into points will have different conversion ratios. For example, South Province had the most difficult exam this year. So, their granted points are set to be their major exam scores divided by ninety. For Provinces with relatively simple exams, their major exam scores are divided by a higher number to yield your current granted points.”


With this explanation, many people understood how the calculation worked and they found it to be quite reasonable.


Lu Fan now understood why his points were so high, more than ten times that of Qin Qiu. That was because his major exam score was also more than ten times that of Qin Qiu.



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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