Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 94, I Really Want to See the Dragons’ Glory

| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

Translator: Silavin


Lu Fan looked at Hong Wu, somewhat surprised. “You want to challenge me?”


“That’s right!” Hong Wu said in a serious, calm and collected tone in front of everyone present. “Vice Principal Zhao just said that Dragon Capital University encourages sparring. You’re ranked first in terms of granted points. It’s only normal for me to challenge you, right?”


Actually, before Hong Wu had decided to challenge Lu Fan, he had already thought a lot about it.


True, Lu Fan was the top student in South Province, and he was ranked first in the whole Dragon Capital University. His strength definitely could not be underestimated. However, Hong Wu was confident in himself. In his view, the so-called top 30 was not really that impressive.


Everyone was an elite student since they got admitted to Dragon Capital University. What difference was there between the top 30, top 50, or top 100? The difference in strength was probably just a hair’s breadth.


Moreover, Hong Wu also knew that Lu Fan’s strength most likely came from having a Dragon. It was easy to imagine that for clearing Dungeon Instances, Summoners and Beast Tamers would be the more versatile Professions. They could rely on the strength of their Summons to Solo many Dungeon Instances, including the major exam.


After all, the major exam was fixed. If Lu Fan used his Summon to tank, the Monsters in the major exam would prioritise attacking the Summon, which gave Summoning Type Professions like Lu Fan a chance to score extremely high.


So, Lu Fan’s major exam score being better than his did not prove much.


Being good at Dungeon Instances and being good at PvP were two different concepts. Hong Wu was confident that his Hidden Profession was well rounded in both offensive and defensive, suitable for 1v1s.


Even if Lu Fan’s Pet Dragon was very powerful, so what? He just needed to focus on positioning, and ignore Lu Fan’s Pet Dragon. He just needed to directly attack Lu Fan.


Once he took down Lu Fan, who was ranked first, Hong Wu would surely go from unknown to famous. He could also gain Lu Fan’s points. Why not do it?


Another reason why Hong Wu was so eager to prove himself actually had to do with Qin Qiu.


Qin Qiu was the School Beauty of First Academy. It was impossible to say that Hong Wu had no interest in her. Yet now, Qin Qiu was very close to Lu Fan, a fact which Hong Wu found it hard to come to terms with.


Hong Wu felt that maybe Qin Qiu was just interested in Lu Fan because he was the top student from South Province. He believed she was intentionally trying to get close to him because of this.


So, what if he, Hong Wu, defeated Lu Fan?


Would Qin Qiu consider forming a team with him to run Dungeon Instances?


In short, Hong Wu felt that he had a shot at challenging Lu Fan, and if he won, he would gain many benefits. In that case, it was only natural for him to want to make the first move before others realised Lu Fan had a Profession that was not great at PvP, and get points from Lu Fan first.


Seeing how Hong Wu really wanted to issue a challenge, Lu Fan thought for a moment and felt no problem with it. After all, as the current top, he would definitely encounter this situation often in the future. It would not be bad to collect some more points along the way.


“Alright, I accept your challenge,” Lu Fan agreed to it.


Hong Wu was delighted and grinned, saying, “I didn’t expect you to be so brave. Shall we go to the arena now and open up an official sparring match on stage?”


The so-called arena was a venue specifically for sparring at Dragon Capital University. Fighting there would allow them to be more unrestrained.


However, Lu Fan shook his head and refused.


“Why bother with that? It takes half an hour to walk from here to the arena. In that time, I could knock you down ten times. Let’s just settle this here. It won’t take much time anyway.”


“You…” Lu Fan’s words infuriated Hong Wu. He pointed at Lu Fan, almost cursing out loud.


But with so many people around, and Zhao Shengming not having left yet, Hong Wu suppressed his rage and turned it into a cold smile: “You can only talk tough now. Fine, let’s spar out in the open outside the auditorium.”


“No problem,” Lu Fan agreed readily.


These two led the way out of the auditorium to the open ground outside.


The other students originally wanted to leave the auditorium, but with this entertaining show, who would want to leave? They all followed, planning to enjoy the show. After all, this was an opportunity to see how powerful Lu Fan, the top ranked Dragon Tamer, really was. Also, the best chance to see the glory of his Pet Dragon.


Soon, the people from the auditorium came out to the open ground in droves, surrounding Lu Fan and Hong Wu.


Tao Zi, Qin Qiu, Jin Zhu, Chen Tianzhi, and the others were also in the crowd, quietly watching everything.


“The enrollment ceremony just ended, and someone’s already challenging the top ranked Dragon Tamer? We’re in for a good show today.”


“I’m really looking forward to seeing what a Dragon Tamer’s Dragon looks like. Even if it’s an Earth Dragon with the faintest Dragon Bloodline, it should still look cool, right?”


“Of course. An Earth Dragon is still a Dragon. I’ll make sure to take some good photos of the Dragon’s glory later and post them online. It’s sure to go viral!”


“Who do you think will win this sparring match?”


“Do you even need to ask? Of course it’ll be Lu Fan. After all, he has a Dragon and is ranked first.”


“That’s not necessarily true. Usually, Summoning Type Professions are better at clearing Dungeon Instances but are weaker at PvP. Since that big guy dares to challenge Lu Fan, he probably isn’t a pushover.”


“I know him, he seems to be from the same city as Lu Fan, ranked second in the city. He is in the top 20 for the whole South Province. He also has a Hidden Profession called Qigong Master. He is certainly not to be underestimated.”


“He’s a Qigong Master? I heard Qigong Masters’ Skills are both offensive and defensive. It’s one of the most versatile Hidden Professions. If he’s a Qigong Master, he might have some advantage in PvP. Maybe he really could upset the odds today.”


“Nah, I don’t think it’s possible. His granted points did not even make the top 30. Fighting against the number one, he just doesn’t have much chance of winning. The opponent has a Dragon, how can Humans compete with the strength of such a creature?”


The discussion at the scene was loud, with most people naturally favouring Lu Fan, the top ranked student.


After hearing this, Hong Wu felt extremely dissatisfied, planning to quickly use his strength to make all those who did not believe in him to shut up.


He took out his identity card and actively asked Lu Fan, “For this sparring match, I’ll bet 200 points with you, how about that?”


“Just 200 points?” Lu Fan frowned.


To be honest, 200 points was not even considered pocket change to him.


However, thinking about it, Lu Fan decided to let it slide. After all, Hong Wu’s points should be just over a thousand, so 200 points was already quite a lot for him.


For this kind of challenge, it was not about how many points Lu Fan wanted, but how many points the opponent had.


Even small gains were gains, so Lu Fan reluctantly agreed. “Fine. 200 points it is.”


Saying this, Lu Fan took out his identity card and transferred 200 points to the School System, and Hong Wu did the same.


Next, whoever won the duel would be able to take all 400 points stored in the School System.


“Then, I’ll count to three, and we’ll start when I finish counting!” Hong Wu grinned, crouching slightly, like a cheetah about to pounce.


Lu Fan nodded casually, making no other move.


Seeing the other party taking him so lightly, Hong Wu was livid, but he still gritted his teeth and counted down. “Three!… Two!… One!… Start!”


After shouting, Hong Wu let out a low growl, stepped forward with one foot, and stomped hard on the ground. Immediately, a golden dome of energy appeared around his body.


This was his signature Skill as a Qigong Master, Golden Bell Cover. It was a Defense Buff that could block a certain degree of damage.


At the same time, Hong Wu brought his hands together in front of his chest. On his hands, white energy vortexes flashed, expanding rapidly like balloons, soon engulfing his hands.


After accumulating energy for about a second, Hong Wu immediately pushed both hands forward, releasing a Qigong Wave with a radius of about one metre. This wave fiercely smashed towards Lu Fan.


It was clear that this Qigong Wave would deal considerable damage. If hit directly, it would be quite painful.


After releasing one Qigong Wave, Hong Wu began accumulating energy again, planning to attack once more.


If Lu Fan could dodge the first Qigong Wave, he could push out a second one.


Hong Wu knew Lu Fan was a Dragon Tamer, so he had planned from the start to use continuous attacks to prevent Lu Fan from summoning his Dragon.


If a Combat Type Profession that relied on summoning couldn’t even summon their Pet, would they not be left helpless?


Hong Wu’s tactics made quite a few people nod secretly, thinking that this person daring to challenge the top rank Lu Fan indeed had some PvP experience.


Hong Wu was indeed clever. This set of tactics could deal with ordinary Summoning Type Combat Specialised Professions.


However, Lu Fan was far from ordinary.


Lu Fan could be considered Summoning Type, but also Warrior Type, Mage Type, and Priest Type.


Hong Wu did not want to allow Lu Fan to have any space to summon his Giant Dragon. However, little did he know, Lu Fan had not planned on summoning Xiao Ye from the start. After all, using a cannon to shoot mosquitoes was not something Lu Fan was interested in doing.


The first Qigong Wave quickly rushed to Lu Fan’s front. Only then did Lu Fan’s Combat Boots leisurely flash with arcs of electricity.


Flash Leap was activated!


Lu Fan’s figure turned into an afterimage, disappearing from the spot, and the Qigong Wave hit nothing.


“What!?” Hong Wu’s eyes widened. [How did he disappear!? Was that a Mage’s Second Profession Change Skill, Blink!? But, how could he have learned Blink!?]


Just as Hong Wu was confused, his vision blurred, and he immediately saw a figure suddenly appear right in front of him.


It was Lu Fan!


Hong Wu drew in a sharp breath, not expecting Lu Fan to instantly close the distance between them.


However, at this moment, he had the Golden Bell Cover Defense Buff on his body, and the Qigong Wave in his hands had accumulated enough energy. He was ready to release another blow at any time. So, Hong Wu was not afraid of Lu Fan getting close. At worst, they would trade blows. He had added a Buff in advance, unless Lu Fan’s Strength Attribute was extremely high, he would not be able to break through his Golden Bell Cover.


“You’re seeking death!” Hong Wu directly pushed out the Qigong Wave in his hands, while at the same time, Lu Fan also kicked, but without using any Skills.


*Bang!* A loud noise erupted and the outcome was decided!



| Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer |

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