Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer

Worthless Profession: Dragon Tamer – Chapter 98, A Mother Dragon Having a Baby Dragon, What’s Wrong With That?

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Translator: Silavin


After reading the mission log, Tao Xiaoman’s face immediately fell. “Wait… this is a Level 45 Terror Dungeon Instance!? Lu Fan! Why did you choose a Level 45 Dungeon Instance…”


Lu Fan looked at her and said matter-of-factly, “Because among the Five Player Dungeon Instances, there aren’t any higher Level ones than this.”


“…” Tao Xiaoman was immediately rendered speechless by Lu Fan.


After adjusting her emotions, Tao Xiaoman pouted and said, “What I mean is, a Level 45 Dungeon Instance, and a Terror one at that. Isn’t the difficulty too high for us, who are only on average around Level 20? If we can’t clear it, wasting points is a least important worry. What if we encounter actual life threatening danger?”


Tao Xiaoman did not know that a Level 45 Nightmare Boss leading the Legion of Destruction had been one-shotted by Lu Fan’s Xiao Ye. A mere Level 45 Terror Dungeon Instance was not much in Lu Fan’s eyes.


Although Qin Qiu did not know exactly how strong Lu Fan was, she knew that with Lu Fan and Xiao Ye here, clearing this Dungeon Instance would not be a problem. So, Qin Qiu took the initiative to comfort her. “Relax. Since Lu Fan chose this Dungeon Instance, he must be confident in clearing it. Besides, apart from Lu Fan, don’t we also have Jian Ying? One is ranked first and the other is ranked second among the new students. We should be fine.”


Tao Xiaoman looked at Jian Ying and found that even after learning this was a Level 45 Terror Dungeon Instance, she did not show much emotional fluctuation. At this, Tao Xiaoman felt a little more at ease.


With two big shots carrying the team, it should be enough, right?


At this moment, Lu Fan crouched down and suddenly reached out, picking up a red and white striped snake about the length of an arm from the fallen leaves at his feet.


Casting an Appraisal Eye on it, Lu Fan clearly saw the snake’s Attributes.


Red Tailed White Snake (Actively Hostile Monster)
Level: 10
Strength: 15
Agility: 33
Mana: 9
Endurance: 8

Skills: Venomous Fang – After biting someone, it will cause them to be Poisoned


This was an extremely Low Grade Monster that theoretically should not appear in a Level 45 Dungeon Instance.


Lu Fan guessed that this should be considered a Background Monster. Killing it would not yield much Experience. For ordinary teams running the Dungeon Instance, it was just something added to provide an ‘atmosphere’. It could realistically be ignored.


However, when Lu Fan caught this Background Monster, Han Ke’s face turned pale.


She was not a Combat Specialised Profession and had not experienced much combat. She was unlike Qin Qiu, who could remain unfazed even when seeing various Zombies. It was normal for her to be scared of such a poisonous snake.


At this moment, the Red Tailed White Snake started struggling, then bit Lu Fan’s hand, at the thenar (area between the thumb and index finger).


Unfortunately, Lu Fan’s Endurance Attribute was too high. The snake could not even pierce through Lu Fan’s skin.


Lu Fan casually threw the snake towards a big tree in the distance. With a loud bang, the poisonous snake instantly turned into a mess of shattered flesh.


Lu Fan dusted off his hands and said to Tao Xiaoman, “Tao Zi, the Monsters here should all be above Level 40. They might be able to inflict Poison on us. You have a Close Combat Profession so don’t go up front. Stay in the back and protect my Aunt and Qin Qiu. There are many such Background Monsters in this Dungeon Instance that might pose a threat to them. You’ll be responsible for protecting them, okay?”


“No problem!” Tao Xiaoman nodded, and as she spoke, she casually waved her hand, cutting a centipede that was quietly crawling towards Qin Qiu in half.


Although there was Tao Xiaoman protecting the back row, Qin Qiu was still worried. She looked at her Mission Inventory and said, “From the Mission Note, there’s a constant accumulation of Poisonous Miasma. There might be a great need for Antidote Potions. I have some Antidote Potions left in my Inventory from Despair Village but I don’t know if these Antidote Potions will be effective against Poisonous Miasma.”


Han Ke’s face was solemn as she sighed and said, “I could make some Enchanted Food that can increase Poison Resistance and Detoxifies us, but I don’t have any ingredients on hand, so I can’t make anything…”


“No need to go through all that trouble!” Lu Fan waved his hand.


He had already known from the information gleaned from the tablet about this Dungeon Instance, that there would be a need for Poison Resistance and Antidotes here. However, this was something Lu Fan need not worry about.


“Everyone, just focus on clearing. Don’t worry about the Poison. I’ll take care of that problem.” As he spoke, Lu Fan drew out an Array with one hand, and two small Arrays simultaneously formed.


Jian Ying, who had not seen Lu Fan’s Pet Dragons before, knew that Lu Fan was about to summon his Dragons. Her gaze was immediately sucked in, and she was staring intently at the two Arrays.


As the small Arrays formed, Xiao Cui and Xiao Ye simultaneously flew out, flapping their wings, and immediately wanting to snuggle affectionately with Lu Fan.


Seeing the two Dragons so small and cuddling up to Lu Fan like golden retrievers, Jian Ying was so taken aback that her small mouth dropped. [These are Dragons? They seem… a bit different from what I had imagined.]


“Alright, alright, behave you two.” Lu Fan held one Dragon in each arm, making them obediently coil around his shoulders, and stop flapping their wings in his face. Though unintentional, it still hurts…


The two Little Dragons were quite obedient, settling down a bit around Lu Fan.


Xiao Ye’s appearance did not surprise Han Ke and the others. However, that was not the case for Xiao Cui. Her sudden appearance made them pause in surprise. This Little Dragon was mesmerizingly beautiful.


[What’s going on? Didn’t Lu Fan only have Xiao Ye as his Dragon? How did another one suddenly appear!?]


Han Ke was the first to ask. She pointed at Xiao Cui and asked in confusion, “Xiao Fan, this Dragon… where did it come from? How come we’ve never seen it before?”


Hearing herself mentioned, Xiao Cui raised her little head ever so slightly. She seemed to want to leave a good obedient impression on everyone she was meeting for the first time.


Lu Fan stroked Xiao Cui’s chin, thought for a moment, then answered to brush off this inquiry, “As you know, Xiao Ye is a female Dragon. Since she’s a female Dragon, isn’t it normal for her to have another Baby Dragon?”


Everyone: “??”


Xiao Ye: “Ang?!??!??!??!??”


“Stop!” Tao Xiaoman was persistent, determined to get to the bottom of this. “Let’s not even talk about whether Xiao Ye is old enough to lay Eggs! Just the fact that she’s a female Dragon, without a male Dragon, how can she have babies!?”


Lu Fan confidently asked back, “Don’t hens lay Eggs without roosters?”


“I…” Tao Xiaoman opened her mouth, left speechless by Lu Fan’s question. But she soon remembered, even if hens lay Eggs without roosters, they would not be able to hatch into chicks!


Tao Xiaoman was about to speak when Qin Qiu stopped her, not letting her ask further. After all, how Lu Fan got his Dragons was a secret. How could such a secret be spread around?


Seeing that they seemed to have glossed over it, Lu Fan breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly changed the subject. “This Dragon is a Jade Dragon, named Xiao Cui. Among the Dragon Race, it’s a Support Specialised Dragon. I wanted to run a Dungeon Instance with a High Experience Point Reward because I wanted to quickly Level her up. Although she’s only Level 1 right now, she knows quite a few Skills. It is more than enough to deal with the problems posed by the Poison Spider Forest.”


“Xiao Cui, Jade Light!”


“Yiii!” Xiao Cui responded in a high-pitched voice, then her body flickered with light, shining on everyone.


Instantly, everyone felt their Attributes increase, and the faint burning sensation in their lungs from inhaling the Poisonous Miasma had disappeared.


Tao Xiaoman quickly looked at her Attributes and exclaimed, “My All Four Attributes increased by 30%!? What kind of Skill is this, it’s too overpowered!”


Qin Qiu was also very surprised: “Moreover, Xiao Cui’s Skill seems to have removed all Debuffs and Negative Statuses from us. If we get Poisoned later, we just need this Skill to easily Detoxify, right?”


Lu Fan nodded with a smile, saying, “That’s right. With Xiao Cui here, everyone can relax and clear the Dungeon Instance. There’s no need to worry about the Poison.”


This was Tao Xiaoman’s first time witnessing the power of the Dragon Race. She was so shocked that she shook her head and said, “The Dragon Race is really too overpowered. It’s just a Little Dragon, but a single Skill is more effective than a Second Profession Change Priest’s Skills…”


Lu Fan smiled without speaking. [You think increasing All Four Attributes by 30% is impressive? What till you find out this Skill’s effect doubles when used on those of the Dragon Race and those with Dragon Bloodline, I would really like to see how she reacts once she finds out!]


“Alright, let’s maintain formation and clear our way deeper into the Dungeon Instance. Let’s try to clear it a few times today. Before the freshmen exam, let’s all undergo our Second Profession Change!”


“Okay!” Everyone was full of confidence. With Xiao Cui, it was like having an extremely powerful Priest in the team. No one was worried about whether they could clear this Dungeon Instance.


The five man team moved forward. They had not gone far when they heard a rustling sound from the tree trunks ahead.


Everyone looked up and saw a large black python coiled around the tree trunk. Because its scales were similar in colour to the leaves, it was really hard to spot its presence without looking at it carefully.


Lu Fan cast an Appraisal Eye on it, and the black python’s Attributes immediately appeared.


This Monster was called a Black Scaled Giant Python, an ordinary Actively Hostile Monster with outstanding Strength and Endurance Attributes. It also had a Skill called Constrict, which could tightly wrap its body around enemies. If ordinary Close Combat Professions were not careful and got constricted, the situation would become very troublesome.


Qin Qiu, as a Mage Type Profession, chose to take advantage of her range and attacked.


She used her Holy Light Mage’s strongest Single Target Skill, Holy Light Bullet.


A fireball burning with white flames struck the Black Scaled Giant Python, knocking it off the tree canopy. But after falling to the ground, the giant python raised its upper body, clearly angered.


Qin Qiu felt helpless. Her Level was too low, and her Damage was somewhat inferior compared to actual Mages. Naturally, her Skill could barely break through its defences, and she was unable to cause any Fatal Damage to it.


For Damage Output, they still needed Lu Fan.


Lu Fan was about to take out his Black Dragon Scale Greatsword and finish off this Black Scaled Giant Python with one slash, when a sudden whistling sound came through the air. A red light shot out, directly piercing through the Black Scaled Giant Python’s head.



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